current and upcoming workshops and seminars
- Our research group is running an internal reading group/seminar. See here.
- The virtual, joint research seminar on Higher Structures & Field Theory Seminar is running this semester, but as a small workshop at TUM.
- At TUM we are running an event series called FACETS of mathematicians in which we discuss career-related aspects of our mathematical culture.
past workshops and seminars
- Christoph Winges and I coorganized the 8th Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting on July 16, 2021.
- George Raptis and I coorganized the 7th Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting on December 4, 2020.
- I was a coorganizer of the MSRI workshop Tensor categories and topological quantum field theories in March 2020.
- Rachael Boyd and I ran an Advanced Topics in Topology learning Seminar at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. See here for more information.
- I was a coorganizer of the Topology Seminar and the Advanced Topics in Topology class at the University of Oxford from fall 2017 to spring 2018.
- Viktoriya Ozornova and I organized a 3-day conference for Young researchers in homotopy theory and categorical structures, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn in February 2017
- Damien Calaque and I organized a winter school on Derived Algebraic Geometry in Flumserberg, Switzerland, November 17 -- 22, 2013. The idea was for PhD students and Postdocs to learn the subject together by giving each other talks in an informal setting with Bertrand Toën and Michel Vaquié as mentors. Videos of the talks are now available here!
- I was an organizer of the Zürich Graduate Colloquium from fall 2012 to fall 2013. In this joint math seminar of ETH Zürich and the University of Zürich graduate students give "What is...?" talks on various topics in mathematics.
some (handwritten) notes
Since I have been asked about my notes several times, here they are:
- These are my notes from the Talbot workshop 2012 on Goodwillie calculus.
- These are my notes from the seminar "Introduction to Derived Algebraic Geometry".